Are you tired of feeling stuck in repetitive cycles, longing for meaningful change?

Realignment Program


In our 4-week Realignment Program, we embark on a transformative journey to uncover your true potential and dissolve the barriers that hold you back.

  • Together, we delve into the depths of your current emotional and physical state, identifying areas where you feel stuck and exploring the underlying values driving your desires for change. Through insightful discussions and guided exercises, we confront limiting beliefs head-on, arming you with powerful tools to overcome challenges and forge a path toward growth and fulfilment. By the end of our journey, you'll emerge with newfound clarity and confidence, ready to step into a life aligned with your authentic self.

  • 1:1 personalised online sessions

    4 x 60 minute coaching sessions (4 weeks) + Free connection call

    Text, voice-note, or e-mail support/check-ins (tailored to your needs)

    Tools, exercises, resources, post-session reflections

Transformation Program


In our 12-week Transformation Program, we dive deep into the intricate connection between mind and body to unlock your full potential.

  • Over the course of our journey together, we unravel the mysteries of stress, habits, and neuroplasticity, empowering you to harness the potential of mindful awareness.

    Through personalised coaching sessions and actionable strategies, we uncover limiting beliefs and establish clear, achievable goals tailored to your unique aspirations.

    Together, we'll explore the terrain of habit formation and meaningful change, paving the way for a profound transformation in how you think, feel, and show up in the world.

  • 1:1 personalised online sessions

    4 x 60 minute coaching sessions (4 weeks) + Free connection call + 1 free session

    Text, voice-note, or e-mail support/check-ins (tailored to your needs)

    Tools, exercises, resources, post-session reflections

    24/7 availability

    Access to supplementary resources, exercises, meditations